David Cantieni's new album Red Rock is also available in compact disc and cassette formats.

Swallowtail's previous two albums are available in cassette format only.

(print this form out, cut on dotted line, complete and send to:
Swallowtail, c/o Cantieni, 105 Hawks rd., W. Deerfield, Ma, 01342)
please send: cost:
____compact disc(s) of After The Dance at $15 each ________
____cassete(s) of After The Dance at $10 each ________
____compact disc(s) of Red Rock (David Cantieni) at $15 each ________
____cassette(s) of Red Rock(David Cantieni) at $10 each ________
____cassette(s) of Flights of Fancy (Swallowtail's second) at $10 each ________
____cassette(s) of Swallowtail (Swallowtail's first album) at $10 each ________
Subtotal ________
($2 for the first item and 50c for each additional item)
Amount Enclosed
(checks payable to "Dig-Dig Music")

Send order to:
Street Address:____________________________________________________
City:____________________State/Province__________Zip code:_________